Boom or bust, the smartest CEOs put plans in place well before the next downturn arrives. Without scenario planning and taking steps toward “recession inoculation”, leaders can be caught by surprise when the economy turns, forcing them to make decisions with less time and thought.

Watch this CEO Coaching International webcast for an important live webcast discussing our CEO’s guide to scenario planning for the recession.

Thursday, June 23, 2022
8 a.m. PDT / 11 a.m. EDT

Even if your business appears healthy today, there is no such thing as being too prepared for a recession. What if your costs increased, your biggest customer pulled their business, or your cash flow stalled? Can you say with confidence how each of those factors would impact your business? If the answer is no, it’s time to take inventory of your risks and build a plan that addresses each potential scenario. Our expert panel will talk you through our 4-step process to developing a risk mitigation plan and provide case stories from their deep experience as battled-tested former CEOs.

Explore the Recession Checklist with an Expert Coach

Meet Our Panelists:

Ramona Capello

Successful Serial Entrepreneur and Former Nestlé Foods Executive

Kevin Adams

Former Isagenix CEO and ConAgra Brands Executive

Jaime Cohen Szulc

Former Levi Strauss, Goodyear Tires & Procter & Gamble executive

Randy Dewey

Global CEO; Leader of Tech and Manufacturing Companies in 9 Sectors

Shep Moyle

Retail E-Commerce and Branding Expert, Former CEO of Shindigz and International Chairman of YPO

Steve Patterson

Former Houston Rockets General Manager, Portland Trail Blazers President & GM, and Arizona Coyotes CEO & President

Don Schiavone | Moderator

COO and Managing Director of CEO Coaching International
