Annual and quarterly planning sessions facilitated by
battle-tested CEO Coaches

Meet Our Coaches

What Does Success Look Like 5 Years from Now?

Our strategic planning process helps you proactively identify your BIG goals for the future, translate them into an execution plan, and track progress through annual and quarterly planning sessions. These sessions are transformative and the most important meeting on your calendar outside of family commitments.

How it Works

Establish and maintain strategic planning sessions in your organization to set, create, and track your ongoing growth progress. These three steps are essential to crafting a focused planning session that will set a strong tone for the year ahead.
How it Works

1: Set Your Vision

If you don’t know where you’re going—you won’t get there. We help you articulate a clear vision for your company for the next 5 years and determine what needs to be done to reach that Huge Outrageous Target (HOT).
How it Works

2: Assign Homework

We help you prep for your upcoming session by guiding you through the process of sharing your 10,000- foot view of the year ahead and some context on where you see your company and your industry heading. The answers —and yours — are going to form the blueprint for what you cover at your annual planning meeting.
How it Works

3: Hire a Facilitator

The been-there, done-that coaches at CEO Coaching International are experts at running virtually or in-person planning sessions. They know how to probe when your team is not fully bought in, dig for root causes of issues being discussed, insist on defining measurable activities and outcomes for key initiatives and call out the elephant in the room that everyone is avoiding.

By using the Make BIG Happen System, in less than seven years we’ve grown our company from a $6 million business that represented a mere fraction of our dreams, to a public corporation now trading on the Nasdaq at over $6 billion in value.”

— Bryce Maddock, CEO and Co-Founder, TaskUs
15 Steps to a Winning Annual Planning Session


Effective annual planning is the number one differentiator between companies that stay small and companies that super-size their growth.

Strategic Planning Insights


How Successful CEOs Conduct Annual Planning

What do you want?It’s a BIG question. But as CEO, it’s the question at the heart of your business, and how you’ll app…

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Why You Should Challenge Your Company’s Core Id…

The first business Rhythm in the CEO Coaching International Making BIG Happen System pushes CEOs and entrepreneurs to…

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2022 Annual Planning Starts Now: Here’s The Mos…

2022 Annual Planning Starts Now: Here’s The Most Effective Framework As we move into another annual planning seaso…

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Crystal Ball Exercise

Planning starts with vision. Set your vision for 2022. The New Year is upon us. It’s time to Make BIG Happen in your organization. The Crystal Ball Exercise is the key tool CEOs use to determine what they want to accomplish by year-end. Get it FREE today!