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Leading a Business in Turbulent Times

What’s the playbook for leaders to deal with an unfolding global pandemic?

The pandemic has created disruption and uncertainty around the world on a scale we haven’t seen in decades. Now is the time when great leaders step up and lead the way.

You’ll learn:

  • The playbook to follow during this crisis.
  • The most important thing your team needs from you.
  • How to come out of this crisis with strong momentum.
  • Why it’s ok to say, “I don’t know.”
  • Several key actions you should take right now to protect and ultimately grow your business.

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About CEO Coaching International

CEO Coaching International works with CEOs and their leadership teams to achieve extraordinary results quarter after quarter, year after year. Known globally for its success in coaching growth-focused entrepreneurs to meaningful exits, CEO Coaching International has coached more than 1,000 CEOs and entrepreneurs in more than 60 countries and 45 industries. The coaches at CEO Coaching International are former CEOs, presidents, or executives who have made BIG happen. The firm’s coaches have led double-digit sales and profit growth in businesses ranging in size from startups to over $10 billion, and many are founders that have led their companies through successful eight, nine, and ten-figure exits. Companies working with CEO Coaching International for two years or more have experienced an average revenue CAGR of 31% (2.6X the U.S. average) and an average EBITDA CAGR of 52.3% (more than 5X the U.S. average).

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