Complimentary Ebook

7 Keys to Building a Culture of Accountability

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build in accountability

As the CEO, how often are you having conversations about the details?

If you’re arguing with your team on specific sales plays, lines of copy, employee benefits, or day-to-day accounting models…you may be too far in the weeds.

Stepping in all the time with your team isn’t sustainable or scalable. The more you take control of the little things, the less time you have to wrestle with the strategic challenges facing your organization.

What you’re missing is accountability. This seven-step CEO playbook will help you build a culture that keeps your organization on track to hit (and exceed) your goals—so you can grow BIG.


In this complimentary eBook, you will learn the top tools our coaches use to build a culture of accountability, including:

  • How to make your goals and metrics transparent for your team
  • The right meeting cadence to keep everyone on track
  • Why the right incentives matter
  • And more!

Setting goals is easy. Holding your team accountable to making them happen? That’s much more challenging. This CEO playbook is filled with the wisdom and insights from two of our top CEO coaches to guide you.

If you have questions as you read the eBook, or simply want to talk with someone who knows their way around a sales organization, our coaches are available for a complimentary, no-obligation session.

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At CEO Coaching International, we help new and seasoned CEOs set high goals and achieve extraordinary results in both their business and personal lives. Known world-wide for our consistent success in coaching growth-focused CEOs and entrepreneurs to meaningful exits, we have coached CEOs of every size, model, industry and growth stage around the globe. Our executive coaches are former CEOs, entrepreneurs, presidents, or company founders who have led double-digit sales and profit growth ranging in size from startups to over $10 billion. Our 1:1 coaching method, Make BIG Happen System, Strategic Planning sessions, world-wide executive community and proven executive coaching framework help you work smarter, and inspire elite success. Gain a fresh perspective and a gigantic advantage with a dedicated executive coach.